
Our Commitment to You

Updated date:: 20.05.2024

Your privacy is a top priority at IQSpark. When we design or build the services and products you know and love, we always keep your privacy in mind so that you can fully trust them and focus on creating meaningful connections. We appreciate you trusting us and sharing your information with us, and we don't take it for granted. We don't compromise your privacy - we design all of our products and services with your privacy in mind. We involve experts from legal, security, engineering, product design and other fields in any decision-making process.

We strive to be transparent about how we process your data. We have written our Privacy Policy and related documents in plain language, without overly complicated language and providing sufficient information. We want you to actually read our policies and understand our privacy practices!

We do not compromise on transparency. We also use many of the same online service, we believe that inadequate information and overly complex language are common in privacy policies. is a problem. That's why we have taken the opposite approach and updated our Privacy Policy and related documents We do our best to write in plain language. We urge you to really read our policies and to we want you to understand our practices!

Privacy Policy

Thank you for taking the time to read the privacy policy. Regarding your information We are grateful for your trust in us and we are always worthy of that trust. we want to be. We want to understand the information we collect, why we collect it, how it is used and understanding your choices about your information. This policy covers privacy explains our practices in plain language and keeps legal and technical jargon to a minimum.

Table of Contents

1. Who are we?

The company responsible for your information under this Privacy Policy:

Hudita Technology Corporation
Yenişehir/Mersin - Türkiye

2. Where this Privacy Policy applies

This Privacy Policy applies to websites operated under the IQSpark brand, apps, events and other services. For simplicity, this privacy policy includes all we refer to these as 'services'. For greater clarity, all applicable services will include this privacy We have added links to the policy.

Some services may require their own privacy policies. A particular service may have its own privacy policy, then that policy will apply instead of this privacy policy.

3. The information we collect

Meaningful without having some information about you, such as basic profile information and your interests Links that we cannot enable you to improve. We also cannot help you improve the access logs, as well as information such as access to our services through your social media account or third parties, such as when you upload information from your social media account to complete your profile. We also collect information from parties. If you would like additional information, you can find more information below.

The information you give us
provide us with certain information when you use our services you choose to provide. This information includes:

When you complete your profile, you can share with us additional information such as your interests, etc., as well as your photo and Videos You can share content such as photos and videos. To add specific content, such as photos and videos, you need your camera or you can give us access to your photo album.

When you subscribe to a paid service or make a purchase directly from us (rather than through a platform like iOS or Android), you provide us or our payment service provider with information such as your debit or credit card number and other financial information.

When you participate in surveys, focus groups or market research, you provide us with insights into our products and services, answers to our questions and customer opinions.

When you choose to participate in our promotions, events and competitions, we collect the information you use to register or enter.

If you contact us (e.g. via our Helpdesk), we collect the information you give us during the interaction.

If you share other people's information with us (for example, if you give us your friend's contact details for a particular feature), we process that information to complete your request.

Of course, we also process your conversations with other users and the content you publish as part of the service activities.

Information we receive from others

In addition to the information you provide to us directly, we also receive information about you from others, For example:

Other users may provide information about you when using our services, for example when contacting you or making a notification about you.

You may decide to share information with us through your social media account, for example by deciding to create an IQSpark account or log in to your IQSpark account through your social media account or another account (e.g. Facebook, Google or Apple) or to upload information such as photos to our services from one of your social media accounts (e.g. Facebook, Instagram...).

IQSpark advertisements on a partner's websites and platforms published in such cases (in which case they may pass on information about the success of a campaign), we may ask our partners to we may receive information about you. Where permitted by law, to ensure the safety of our users as part of our efforts, we ask third parties to provide us with information about third parties who are suspected or convicted of criminal offenses. We may also receive information about individuals. The information created when you use our Services includes when you use them; what features you use, how you use them and how you use them to access our services we collect technical data, such as the devices you use.

See below for more information:

When you use our Services, how you use them (e.g. the date and time you log in, that you use features, actions performed, pages shown to you, address of the referring web page, advertisements you click on) and how you interact with other users (e.g. linking and interacting users you contacted, the time and date of your communication, the number of messages you sent and received) information about your activities in our services on topics is created.

We receive information from and about the devices you use to access our Services, for example IP Address, device ID and type, app settings and properties, app crashes, advertising IDs (device randomly generated numbers that you can reset by going to your settings), randomly generated numbers associated with cookies software, such as identifiers, other technologies that can uniquely identify your device or browser, and hardware information;

We may collect your precise geographic location information (latitude and longitude) if you give us your consent. The collection of your geolocation information may occur in the background, even when you are not using the services, if the consent you have given us expressly permits this. If you do not allow us to collect your geolocation information, we will not collect it. Similarly, if you give your consent, we may collect photos and videos (for example, if you want to share photos or videos or participate in broadcast features on our services).

4. Cookies and other similar data reading technologies

We use cookies and similar technologies (e.g. web beacons, pixels, SDKs) to recognize you and/or your device(s) and may allow others to use them. For more information on why we use them, you can read our Cookie Policy.

Some web browsers (such as Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome) have a 'Do Not Track' ('DNT') feature that tells a website that the user does not want their online activity tracked. If a website responding to DNT signals receives a DNT signal, it is possible for the browser to prevent the website from collecting certain information about the browser user. Not all browsers offer the DNT option and DNT signals are not yet of a single type. For this reason, many businesses, including IQSpark, do not currently respond to DNT signals.

5. How we use information

Our main purpose for using your information is to provide and improve our services. In addition, we use your information to keep you safe and to provide you with advertising that may be of interest to you. Read on for a more detailed explanation and practical examples of the various reasons we use your information.

To manage your account and provide you with services:

To help you connect with other users:

To run advertising and marketing campaigns:

To improve our services and develop new ones:

Prevent, detect and combat fraud or other illegal or unauthorized activities for:

To ensure legal compliance:

How we process your personal information through profiling and automated decision-making Information take please take a look at our FAQ section.

As explained above, we rely on the following legal bases for processing your information on which we are based:

6. How we share your information

Since our goal is to help you make meaningful connections, the main sharing of users' information is, of course, with other users. We also share some users' information with service providers and partners who support us in running the services, and with other Hudita Technology Corporation and, in some cases, legal authorities. Read on for more information on how your information is shared with others.

With other users:

When you voluntarily disclose your information through the Service (including your public profile), your information you are sharing with other users. Please be careful with your information and share Make sure the content is something you are comfortable with seeing.

Target for all or part of your profile or for certain content or information about you the mass limitation, in which case it will be visible according to your settings.

If someone makes a complaint about you (violating our Terms or Community Guidelines that you have such as allegations), the complainant, the actions we have taken as a result of his/her complaint (such action being in case) we can report it.

With our service providers and partners:

We use third parties to enable us to operate and improve our Services. These third parties, data hosting and maintenance, analytics, customer service, marketing, advertising, payment processing and security activities that support us in a variety of tasks. You can use the information to distribute our services or We also share it with partners who help us advertise them. For example, restricted information about you We may share it with our advertising partners in encrypted, machine-readable format.

Before engaging with any service provider or working with any partner, a solid we follow a vetting process. All our service providers and partners adhere to strict privacy must accept its obligations.

IQSpark, Hudita Technology Company is part of the community.

For the limited, legitimate reasons set out belowl with subsidiaries:

Hudita Technology Company is committed to making its platforms more secure and to your instructions to these affiliates to take action against (e.g. block) individuals on other platforms as well to support us in processing your information afterwards and on our behalf, as service providers for.

Their support may include technical processing activities such as data hosting and maintenance, customer service, marketing and targeted advertising, analytics, financial and accounting support, improving our services, securing our data and systems, and combating spam, abuse, fraud, legal violations and other inappropriate behavior.

To increase your chances of making meaningful connections with others, we may enable you to appear on other services owned by Hudita Technology Company and to take advantage of cross-platform functionalities. We will, of course, comply with applicable law and, where applicable, notify you of these opportunities and allow you to accept or decline them. Examples of these opportunities may include, for example, the creation of a new service within Hudita Teknoloji Anonim Şirketi, targeting a specific audience of people we think would be interesting to you based on your search criteria, and for other legitimate business purposes, including corporate auditing, analysis and aggregated reporting, where and in the manner permitted under applicable law.

Sharing function Using the sharing function, you can share other users' profiles with us outside of our services and they can share your profile. For corporate transactions, we may transfer your information if we are involved, in whole or in part, in a merger, acquisition, purchase, acquisition, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, reorganization, liquidation, bankruptcy or other change of management or control.

By provision of law/when required by law:

For the enforcement of legal rights We can also share information in specified situations:

With your permission or at our request:

We may ask your permission to share your information with third parties. In such case, we will explain clearly why we want to share the information.

We may use and share non-personal information (i.e. information that by itself does not identify who you are, such as device information, general demographics, general behavioral data and geographic location) and personal information under the above conditions, in encrypted and machine-readable form. We may also share this information with other Hudita Teknoloji Anonim Şirketi companies and third parties (primarily advertisers) to develop and deliver targeted advertisements on our Services or on third parties' websites and applications, and to analyze and report on the advertisements you see. We may combine this information with additional non-personal or personal information collected from other sources in encrypted, machine-readable form. More information about our use of cookies and similar technologies can be found in our Cookie Policy.

7. Cross-border data transfers

Sharing information as described in Section 6 may sometimes involve cross-border data transfers to jurisdictions with different laws regarding data processing, such as the United States and other regions. When transferring personal information to territories other than the EEA, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and other countries whose data protection laws are deemed adequate by the European Commission or other competent governing body, we use standard contractual clauses (standard contractual clauses are commitments between companies transferring personal data that bind those companies to protect the privacy and security of your data) or another appropriate transfer mechanism. Following the recent decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the transfer of personal data to the United States, we are currently in the process of reviewing transfers to our suppliers and the legal basis for such transfers.

8. Your rights

We want you to be in control of your information, so we would like to remind you that you can use the following options and tools:

Tools and account settings to help you access, correct, or delete information you have provided to us that relates to your account directly within the service. If you have any questions about these tools and settings, please contact our help center for assistance.

Mobile platforms may have consent systems for specific types of device data and notifications on your phone, such as contacts, images, location services, push notifications and advertising identifiers. You can change your settings on your device to allow or oppose the collection of corresponding information and the display of corresponding notifications. Of course, some services may cease to function if you do this.

You can end any information collection by uninstalling the app using your device's standard uninstall process. Please note that uninstalling the app will NOT delete your account. To delete your account, please use the functionality provided for this in the service.

You can delete your account directly using the function provided for this in the service. We want you to be aware of your privacy rights. Some important things to remember are as follows:

Applicable privacy laws may give you the right to review the personal information we hold about you (depending on the jurisdiction, this may be called a right of access, a right of portability or a right to know, or variations of these terms). You can exercise this right by making a request here.

If you believe that the information we hold about you is inaccurate or that we are no longer authorized to use it, request that it be corrected or deleted, or object to its processing or wish to restrict the way it is processed, please contact us here.

For your protection and the protection of all our users, we may ask you to provide proof of identity before responding to the above requests.

Note that we may refuse requests for certain reasons, such as if we cannot verify your identity, if the request is illegal or invalid, or if it may violate another user's trade secrets or intellectual property or privacy. If you wish to receive information about another user, such as a copy of messages you have received from them through our service, the other user will need to contact us and provide written authorization prior to sharing the information. We may also ask that user to provide proof of identity before responding to the request.

In addition, we may not be able to comply with requests to object to or restrict the processing of personal information if such requests would make it impossible for us to provide you with our services. For example, if we do not have your date of birth, we cannot provide our service because we cannot be sure that you are over the age of 18.

In some countries, including the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate data protection authority if you have concerns about the processing of your personal information. You can find information about the data protection authority in the European Economic Area here and the data protection authority in the United Kingdom here. The data protection authority to which you can lodge a complaint may be where you reside, work or where the alleged breach took place.

9. How long we keep your information

We only retain your information for as long as we need it for legitimate business purposes (as set out in Section 5) and to the extent permitted by applicable law. If you decide to no longer use our Services, you can delete your account and your profile will no longer be displayed to other users. Note that we will automatically delete your account if you have not been active for two years.

After your account is deleted, we will delete your personal information as set out below:

To protect the security of our users, we retain personal information for a period of three months after account closure. We retain your information during this period in case it is necessary to investigate unlawful or harmful actions. The retention of information during this security period is based on our legitimate interests as well as the victimization of potential third parties.

After the security process has ended, we will delete your data and retain only restricted information for the reasons set out below.

We retain restricted data to fulfill legal data retention obligations: in particular, to fulfill legal tax and accounting obligations, we retain transaction data for 10 years and credit card information for the legal period during which the user can dispute the transaction. We may also need to retain 'traffic data'/records to fulfill legal data retention obligations. We may also retain a record of the permissions users have given us as proof that we comply with applicable law.

We may retain limited information in the context of our legitimate interests: we retain our customer service records and supporting data, as well as general download/purchase location for five years to justify our customer service decisions, to exercise our rights, and to defend ourselves in the event of legal action. In anticipation of potential legal disputes, we retain profile information to establish, exercise or defend legal rights and, in order to protect the safety and vital interests of our users, we retain for one year the data necessary to prevent users who have been blocked or determined to be under the age of 18 from creating new accounts.

Finally, we retain information in the context of our legitimate interests where there is an unresolved or potential issue, claim or dispute that requires us to retain it (in particular where we receive a valid legal subpoena or request requiring us to retain the data (in which case we need to retain the data to fulfill our legal obligations) or where the data is otherwise required as part of any legal proceedings).

While our systems are designed to handle data deletion in accordance with the above guidelines, we cannot promise that all data will be deleted within a specific time frame due to technical limitations.

10. Children's privacy

We do not accept users under 18 years of age. If you suspect that a user is under the age of 18, please provide us with the user's information in the feedback section of the service.

11. Job candidates, contractors and supplier representatives

We also process personal information about our job candidates, contractors and supplier representatives as part of our recruitment and talent management activities and the administration of services provided to us by contractors and suppliers. If you are a job candidate, contractor or supplier representative at IQSpark, certain provisions of this Privacy Policy may apply to our processing of your personal information. These include the terms discussed in the unit responsible for processing your personal information, personal information transfer, rights you may have under applicable law, how to contact us, and California-specific information sections of this Privacy Policy.

If you are a job candidate, the personal information we process about you may vary depending on the job you are applying for, but generally includes information you share with us as part of your job application, as well as your professional qualifications, past experience and reference information shared with us by recruiters or other third parties. We use this information to facilitate the recruitment process, which may result in an employment contract. For contractors and supplier representatives, we may process identity verification information and work-related information as necessary to manage our relationship with you and your employer, which is necessary for the performance of the service contract as well as to identify, exercise or defend potential legal claims. We may share personal information with service providers who assist us in the recruitment process and technical data processing activities, as well as with Hudita Technology Corporation (for example, if you have a business relationship with employees of a subsidiary). We will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary for these purposes.

12. Changes to privacy policy

This policy may change over time as we are always looking for new and innovative ways to enable you to make meaningful connections and strive to keep disclosures about our data practices up-to-date. We will notify you of any material changes before they take effect so that you have time to review them.

13. How to Make Award Arrangements?

IQspark reserves the right to modify, increase, or decrease the content and value of rewards provided to users at any time, at its sole discretion, without prior notice. The values and characteristics of rewards may be updated from time to time based on criteria determined by IQspark.

IQspark will make reasonable efforts to notify users of such changes before they are implemented; however, there is no obligation to provide such notice. Users are deemed to have accepted these changes by continuing to participate in the reward program after the changes have been implemented by IQspark.

Any rights or claims arising from the implementation of this clause cannot be asserted against IQspark by users. By continuing to use the service, users agree to accept any changes made by IQspark to the reward adjustments.

14. How can you contact us?

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us in the following ways:
E-Mail: [email protected]
Hudita Technology Corporation
Address: Yenişehir/Mersin - Türkiye

We wish you a pleasant day.